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Tesla Optimus & Neuralink collaboration now closer to fruition [Op-Ed]


Staff member
Oct 11, 2024

A collaboration between Tesla Optimus and Neuralink is now closer to fruition. Neuralink’s feasibility trials are expanding to include tests on controlling a robotic arm with the N1 implant.

“This is an important first step towards restoring not only digital freedom, but also physical freedom. More info to come, but the CONVOY Study will enable cross-enrolling participants from the ongoing PRIME Study,” noted the company in its announcement.

The approval for the Neuralink’s CONVOY Study could connect Tesla Optimus and the N1 implant. In July 2024, Elon Musk talked about patients with robotic arms or legs controlling their limbs through their minds with Neurlaink’s N1 implant.

“Let’s say somebody has lost their arms or legs. We could actually attach an Optimus arm or Optimus legs to a Neuralink implant so that the motor commands from your brain that would go to our biological arms now go to your robot arms or legs and you’d basically have cybernetic superpowers,” Musk said.

Tesla has been making significant progress with Optimus and is currently focused on finalizing the humanoid robot’s design. The tech company has carefully paid attention to the Optimus’ limbs, including the movement of its fingers, hips, and legs. The people behind Tesla Optimus studied human anatomy to ensure that the humanoid robot moves naturally.

In May 2024, Musk commented on Optimus’ hands, sharing that the humanoid robot’s hands will be upgraded to have 22 degrees of freedom (DoF). For comparison, human hands have 27 degrees of freedom.

“Optimus hands are among the best 5-finger, dexterous robot hands in the world. It’s got tactile sensing, 11 degrees of freedom compared to many competitors with only 6-7 DoF, and robustness to withstand lots of object interactions without constant maintenance,” commented Jim Fan, a Sr. Research Manage & Lead of Embodied AI (GEAR Lab) at NVIDIA.

Source: Teslarati